Sahar Mosleh

Sahar is operations leader at a company that works with assistance for people with needs. She thinks assistance is a very important part of a modern society and used to run her own company. She says it was hard for her to get a job – for more than one reason. ‘Because of who I am: my name, I’m an immigrant, my sexual orientation.’
‘Now I hear that I am a workaholic,’ she adds with a laugh.
Sahar thinks it is obvious that people with disabilities have both the same rights and the same responsibilities as others. She strives to always speak up against things that are wrong in society; discrimination or inaccessibility not the least.
Sahar is about to become a mother; her wife of four years, Maryam, is pregnant. Sahar is looking forward to raising a son. ‘He will be one hell of a cool kid,’ she says.